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2004 | Vol. 6 | 105--110
Tytuł artykułu

Ecological Agriculture versus Agro-Tourism

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Several attempts to reform the Polish Economy were madę before 1990 [Józefiak, 1986, 171], but the greatest changes occurred in the 1980s. Among others "the three S rule" (samodzielność, samorządność, samofinansowanie meaning: self-dependence, self-government, self-financing) [Dzun, 1993, 38] was introduced to agricultural collectives in 1981 and in the following year all forms of agricultural enterprise became equal in the view of the law and the inviolability of private agricultural property was guaranteed by a constitutional amendment (the act dated 20th of July 1983 on an Amendment to the Constitution of the Polish People's Republic, Journal Of Laws (Dziennik Ustaw) No 39, Item 175). This caused the formation of new farms, whose owners had lived and worked in the city. They were better educated than an average Polish farmer, and quite often had graduated from schools of higher education, not necessarily connected with agriculture [Hasiński, 1999, 202]. Their farms were characterized by specialist production and additional profits were madę from rural tourism or agro-tourism.1 In the 1980s an increasing tendency was noted in the 150-year-long Polish tradition of taking rural vacations. Rapid development of this trend was stimulated in the 1930s [Czerwiński et al., 2003], 1The notions of rural tourism and agro-tourism are not synonymous [Agroturystyka, 2003], because the latter is defined as a form of rural tourism closely connected with the productive activity of a farm located within a rural area. A maximum of five guest rooms are rented out and at least 50% of the income obtained by the farm comes from agricultural activity. See also Medlik [1995] and Wiatrak [2003], The 1990s were also years of accelerated development in rural tourism, introducing the rules of market economy to agriculture and, what is morę important, of paying morę and morę attention to the issues of protecting the natural environment. The result of this is the present co-existence in Polish agriculture of a system of industrial, integrated agriculture (conventional) and ecological agriculture and a gradual introduction of activities aimed at sustainable development of tourism, especially after the Earth Summit in 1992. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Wrocław, Poland
  • University of Wrocław, Poland
  • University of Wrocław, Poland
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