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Języki publikacji
This article attempts to describe local self-government organisations active in rural areas of the Opole region, together with the participation of farmers in the activities of such organisations. An attempt is also madę to analyse the changes in the naturę of the participation of farmers in local self-government organisations from the perspective of integration with the EU. In order to do this, the results of research carried out in the years 1991, 1992 and 2000 will be presented. The main research tool used was a questionnaire sheet. In 1991, research was carried out on 200 farms. In 1992 and 2000 research was carried out on 100 farms. The farms used in the sample were specifically, not randomly, chosen [Sokołowska, 2002, 15]. Local self-government organisations can play a key role in the economic development of rural areas and activating local inhabitants to become involved in such a process. The level of participation of particular local self-government organisations, together with their employees, depends on many constraints, on eliminating barriers to effective activity, the Iow level of trust, disheartenment and apathy. Conditions regarding the way in which the activities of municipal governments are carried out can be split into two categories: firstly, macro-social factors, resulting from decisions of central government, as well as national economic and social factors, secondly local factors which result from the characteristics of a municipality [Kożuch, 1999, 64]. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
- Opole University, Poland
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