Tytuł artykułu
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Social vs. Economic Planning
Planirovanie socialʹnoe i narodno-hozâjstvennoe
Języki publikacji
Dyscyplina polityki ekonomicznej i planowania, podobnie jak całość nauk ekonomicznych, znajduje się obecnie w procesie poważnego przewartościowywania, zarówno swych założeń ogólnych, jak wielu problemów metodycznych i szczegółowych. Jeśli pofruniemy taki negatywny czynnik tego procesu, jak zjawiska kryzysowe w gospodarce i niezbędność ich przezwyciężania, to niewątpliwie głównym elementem pozytywnej inspiracji w tym zakresie jest realizacja reformy gospodarczej. Za wiodące elementy tej inspiracji mogą być uznane takie zjawiska, jak przywracanie większej roli obiektywnym procesom i prawom gospodarczym, a w ramach tego - bliższa precyzacja pojęcia rzeczywistych preferencji społecznych (ogólnospołecznych), usprawiedliwiających utrzymanie pewnego zakresu decyzji Centralnego Planifikatora, jako modulatora mechanizmu samoregulacji, wynikającego przede wszystkim z preferencji indywidualnych (ludności).(fragment tekstu)
Referring to the present postulate for an economic reform which is reflected in the desire to socialize the process of planning, the author emphasizes too limited range of the attempts undertaken in the 1970's whose aim was to develop the prosess of social planning. This refers especially to the social macro-scale since the work in the scale of the -establishment was advanced to a considerable degree. Recognizing the equivalence of the three sub-systems of NPSG - social economic and spatial ones, a great inspirational role of NPS (N. social planning) is emphasized both for the scale of NPSG and for the sub-system NPG itself. The main part of the discussion is devoted to the origin of the sub-system of social planning (NPS). In the Soviet Union, a long-term form of NPS as the planning of social changes, was created first. In shorter periods, the social aspect of NPG proper was the reflection of practical realization of the assumption of this kind of planning. NPS began to be distinguished at the end of the 1960s with the social development of the enterprise staffs as the starting point. In highly developed capitalist countries, two models of NPS formation are distinguished: a) American model, clearly opposing the socialist one consisting in the creation of NPS instead of NPG; , b) French model whose mechanism was in a way similar to the evolution in socialist countries, that is the development of NPS as an element of the reconstruction of the general system of NPG (and its gradual transformation into a broader system, NPSG. Paralelly, various forms of social prognosis were developed which made so- -called futurology with its most controversial concept of so-called post-industrial society formulated by an American sociologist, D. Bell. For the first time, a general concept of NPS was outlined at the international scientific conference in Athens in 1964. It was stated there that the first task of NPS consisted in the creation of a modern instrument of the realization of the basic purpose of social policy (in the form of division and social consumption), while the other was a form of separating and taking over from the present systlem of NPG, the planning of the whole sphere of non-material services. In the closing part, the article presents final, future role of NPS - in the sphere of changing the way of viewing all developmental goals of economy and society which was connected with socio-economic measures. The work from this last sphere was crowned with the concept of the scheme of the Table of social prosperity. Like the previous Table of inter-branch flows, it encompasses two dimensions of such prosperity: 1) Its production composing the content of particular lines of the Table. 2) The purpose (division) of social prosperity shown in columns: they present component (kinds of needs) of two such basic categories as the level and quality of life (and work), grouped according to the successive elements (phases) of general social development.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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