Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Strategičeskoe upravlenie v oblasti ohrany prirodnoj sredy : obzor problem
Strategic Management in the Protection of Natural Enviroment - an Outline of Problems
Języki publikacji
W artykule nakreślono problemy związane z zarządzaniem strategicznym oraz ochroną środowiska naturalnego.
The article outlines the problems connected with strategic management of the protection of natural environment. The natural environment and its links with the economy in our country have been given too little attention for a long time; most frequently it was only stressed that the natural environment provided material production means (raw materials, water, etc.). However, a number of increasing problems exist and the new ones still arise. For example, the stream of materials is returned to the environment as waste products, which results in the pollution of natural environment. That is why it is necessary to introduce rationalization in utilizing the environment in macro-social perspective for the good of the quality of man's life. This should take place through strategic and operational influence exerted by the subjects running environmental protection on administration units. Unfortunately, Poland lacks an efficient system of transferring social preferences in this respect into strategic aims set before the managing subjects and economic units. At the present stage, it gives rise to a necessity of creating centers running the environmental protection (both at the level of the whole country and particular regions) in the form of subjects independent of economic administration and rather subordinated to legislative power and territorial self-governments.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Zakład Teorii Organizacji Wydziału Ekonomicznego UMCS
- F. Piontek (red.): Zarys polityki sozologicznej. Ossolineum, Wrocław,Warszawa, Kraków 1986
- T. Majda: Ochrona Środowiska. Wybór podstawowych aktów prawnych. IWZZ, Warszawa 1987
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA