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2021 | 14 | nr 3 | 235--249
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The Issue of Intrapreneurship Development in Corporations

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Due to the role corporations play in modern world, they are becoming an interesting area for theoretical considerations and a research object. The subject of the paper is intrapreneurship, which is a form of corporate entrepreneurship that refers to the individual behaviour of corporate employees. The main goal of the research was to analyse and evaluate the entrepreneurial potential of corporate employees and the working climate that affect significantly the development of intrapreneurship. The article is based on the author's research, which was conducted by means of a survey among 320 employees and 60 executives at different levels taken on in 41 different types of corporations conducting business activity in Poland. By entering the research, it was assumed that the corporation was entrepreneurial if it employs entrepreneurial employees, and its working climate is conducive to undertaking entrepreneurial initiatives. The research showed the importance of the work climate for the development of intrapreneurship, which can be considered a dimension supporting the development of corporate entrepreneurship. It was also featured that not those employees who had intrapreneur potential were more involved in risky ventures, but those who felt that the company supported their actions. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
  • Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
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