Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Nekotorye voprosy opredeleniâ sobstvennosti kak èkonomičeskoj kategorii
Selected Problems of Defining Property As and Economic Category
Języki publikacji
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono uwagi dotyczące definicji kategorii własności, które nie wyczerpują rzecz jasna istniejących problemów, wskazują wszakże na użyteczność dalszych studiów nad tą problematyką.
The category of property has been the subject of interests for Marxist political economy for a long time. However, the economic bibliography presents different views concerning the way of viewing property and its definition. This question has not been settles satisfactorily so far, although its proper understanding influences all the solutions adopted in the theory of economy. Marxist bibliography generally treats property as an economic category, emphasizing its socio-economic content in relation to its legal expression. This of course does not mean that investigations on the legal aspect of property have no importance for the character of the economic essence of this category. Getting acquainted with the law of property, although not to be identified with getting acquainted with the economic content of property relations, is the latter's important prerequisite. Interference between economy and law in the case of this category makes is difficult to separate those two aspects sufficiently. Numerous contradictions and misunderstandings in the discussion of the category of property also result from the fact that no attempts to define property precisely have been undertaken. It is essential from this point of view to choose the proper ''national network" to define the rules of its use. A separate question is the wrong (but frequently posed) objection that the notion of appropriation is improperly used while defining property. Appropriation in comparison with the other terms used here, is a much more capacious category, which presents the real meaning of economic property relations in a more profound way. A result of appropriation of the production means is appropriation of production and products. In these two forms, separate rights or functions of the owner in relation to the object of property occur which make up (apart from the very appropriation) the economic substance of the category of property. In the process of appropriating production, one can speak about the function of setting goals, the function of economic disposition, and the function of an effective control over the process of production. On the other hand, the process of appropriating the product includes the function of division, the function of using the object of property, and the function of accepting the share resulting from the adopted pronciples of division. The way in which these functions of property are performed by the owner is an important feature of the category of property understood in such a way.(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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- K. Marks: Przyczynek do krytyki ekonomii politycznej. Warszawa 1953
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- L. Althusser, Е/ Balibar: Czytanie "Kapitału". Warszawa 1975
- S. Żurawicki: Ekonomiczne aspekty kategorii własności. "Ekonomista" 1979
- J. Tittenbrun: Własności we współczesnej myśli marksistowskiej. "Ruch Prawniczy Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny" 1984, 1, s. 244
- H. Chołaj: Ewolucja form własności środków produkcji w perspektywie rozwiniętego społeczeństwa socjalistycznego [w:] Przemiany stosunków własnościowych w PRL. Prac, zbiór, pod red. A. Łopatki i J. Szewczyka, Warszawa 1977
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