Warianty tytułu
Estimation of Results of the Economic Reform in State-owned Establishments of Agricultural Economy
Ocenka rezulʹtatov dejstviâ èkonomičeskoj reformy na gosudarstvennyh predpriâtiâh selʹskogo hozâjstva
Języki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy - opierając się o dane zawarte w materiałach Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego oraz Ministerstwa Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej - podjęto próbę oceny wyników trzyletniego okresu działania reformy gospodarczej w sektorze państwowym polskiego rolnictwa.(fragment tekstu)
The author undertook an attempt of estimating the effects of a three-years' period of the functioning of economic reform in state-owned establishments of agricultural economy subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Economy. The most important effects are as follows: Changes in organizational structure of establishments manifested in increasing their number from 947 in 1980/1981 to 1190 in 1983/1984 (by 25,7%) and decreasing their average area from 3704 ha of arable land in 1980/1981 to 2824 ha in 1983/1984 (by /23,8%). It was caused by taking advantage of the right of the staff to independent creation of organizational structure of their establishments and dissolving a number of agricultural plants. These changes were estimated as positive since, as was shown by investigations, there exists an inverely proportional dependence between the size of an establishment and results of its activity.Decrease of the area of arable land in possession of PGR from 3.484.000 ha in 1980/1981 to 3.360.000 ha in 1983/1984, that is by 3,8%. It was caused by establishments getting rid of dispersed lands and lands of low quality. These lands were taken over by individual farmers who can run it more effectively.Changes in the structure of agricultural production consisting in increase of the share of plant production in the period from 1981/1982 to 1983/1984 and processing in agriculture in the period between 1981/1982 and 1982/1983, at the cost of limiting the animal production which increased slightly in 1983/1984; Radical improvement of financial results. PGR-s achieved: 28,1 billion zloty worth of profit in 1981/1982, 28,5 billion zloty in 1982/19Ö3 and 49,2 billion zloty in 14)83/1984, as compared with 22 billion zloty of loss in the economic year 1980/1981. In connection with many factors distorting these results such as price changes, irregularities in assessing the live inventory and the magazine reserves, increase of dotations, cannot be considered as fully reflecting the layout of labour and improvement of effectiveness of the economy of production units. They are to a significant degree independent of establishments and results from manipulations in the sphere of book-keeping and prices. In face of increase of budget dotations, the author suggests that the chief measure of the activity of establishments which is the financial result should tee substituted by financial accumulation.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Rolnicza w Lublinie
- A. Bieńkowski, W. Łyczek, W. Puliński: Funkcjonowanie instrumentów i zasad nowego systemu ekonomiczno-finansowego w PGR. "Nowe Rolnictwo" 1983, nr 5, s. 26
- Z. Kaprzyk, L. Wiśniewski: Reforma PGR po dwóch latach. "Wieś Współczesna" 1984, nr 2, s. 81
- A. Bieńkowski, W. Łyczek, W. Puliński: Reforma w PGR w opiniach kadry kierowniczej. "Wieś Współczesna" 1983, nr 7, s. 63.
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