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Plant Communities and Their Changes in the Surroundings of the Dobczyce Reservoir (Southern Poland)

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The influence of man on natural environment is one of main research tasks of present-day ecology. The construction of a water reservoir has a tremendous impact on the nature. Significant changes in landscape caused by such an investment are consequences of the degradation of a natural valley and its neighbourhood. They are also accompanied by a change in the spatial management of the reservoir's surroundings. Despite interesting issues referring to the reservoir construction, publications dealing with vegetation changes in the vicinity of reservoirs are still lacking. Scarce studies refer mainly toa belt of reservoir-side (shore) and water vegetation (e.g. Ćwiertnia 1962, 1966; Kępczyński, Ceynowa 1962; Kępczyński, Ceynowa-Giełdon 1972; Krahulec^/W. 1980; Kuflikowski 1968,1971,1977, 1986; Loster 1976; Mazur etal. 1959; Tomaszewicz 1969; Wołek 1996). Knowledge about processes undergoing in vegetation of the surrounding of the reservoir will allow to prevent negative effects of such investments in the future. In 1968-1969 the vegetation mapping was undertaken and comprised the area of the Agricultural Station of the Jagiellonian University in Gaik-Brzezowa, located close to Dobczyce town in the Carpathian Foothills, southern Poland (Trzcińska-Tacik etal. 1973). A part of the study area had been flooded by water from a new reservoir constructed on the Raba river. The vegetation map of 1969 became a reference for the present-day studies on changes to which plant communities occurring in the area non-flooded by the reservoir had been subjected. Although the area mapped in the period 1968-1969 is a minor fragment of the present reservoir and its surrounding, the majority of plant communities representative of this region occur here. Our investigation of the plant communities existing at present allowed a comparison to be made between the current status of the vegetation in the surroundings of the Dobczyce reservoir with that of thirty years ago. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
  • Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
  • Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
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