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At present, there are a large number of manufacturers operating on the market, which are engaged in the production and distribution of mechatronic and robotic toys. These toys range from the cheapest and simplest to sophisticated costly models for play education. Looking at the market offer, it can be stated that mechatronic toys are being produced, which are intended for children of several months. When developing children's and educational robotics, it is, therefore, necessary to take into account the psychomotor development of the child. Respecting or not respecting it has a major impact on the success of the toy for the consumer and the fulfillment of the educational goal for which it is intended. Last but not least, in connection with the child's development, the question arises as to what ergonomic principles, when designing toys intended for children depending on age, need to be respected and implemented into solutions to eliminate problems related to the development of children's and educational robotics. The subject of interest in the article is the age groups of children from birth to preschool age. The aim of the article is to identify which factors in the construction of children's robotic toys for the youngest children up to the period of preschool age are key from the point of view of ergonomics. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
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