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Introduction/background: This article presents the functioning of a production company in the construction chemicals industry. Based on the literature research, the following thesis was formulated: the use of tools to improve logistics processes significantly improves and increases the efficiency of production processes in the analysed enterprise. In the article, the following issues were indicated: analysing the course of logistics and production processes in the analysed enterprise, developing a map of the production implementation process and the products on Line retooling process, analysing the possibilities of implementing tools to improve logistics and production processes and developing recommendations for the enterprise.
Aim of the paper: The main purpose of the study is to identify irregularities in the implementation of logistic processes in the examined enterprise and to propose improvement measures.
Materials and methods: In the research part, the authors proposed Lean Production improvement tools (SMED, TPM) to optimize logistics processes and production.
Results and conclusions: The work created by the authors is a research article that includes a full analysis of the production and logistics processes of a company from the construction industry. The paper presents irregularities occurring during logistics and production processes, and proposes improvements. The authors argue that it is important to introduce the proposed improvements to optimize logistics processes and production, and that they are possible to implement in other manufacturing companies. (original abstract)
Aim of the paper: The main purpose of the study is to identify irregularities in the implementation of logistic processes in the examined enterprise and to propose improvement measures.
Materials and methods: In the research part, the authors proposed Lean Production improvement tools (SMED, TPM) to optimize logistics processes and production.
Results and conclusions: The work created by the authors is a research article that includes a full analysis of the production and logistics processes of a company from the construction industry. The paper presents irregularities occurring during logistics and production processes, and proposes improvements. The authors argue that it is important to introduce the proposed improvements to optimize logistics processes and production, and that they are possible to implement in other manufacturing companies. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Silesian University of Technology
- Silesian University of Technology
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