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Statistics from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) state that the total number of motor vehicles and mopeds in Poland in 2019 was 31,989,313 units. According to the Central Register of Vehicles (CEPiK) maintained by the Ministry of Digitalisation, the number of motor vehicles registered in Poland in 2019 was 23,878.8 thousand units. Among them, 18,302.4 thousand passenger cars were registered. The constantly increasing number of vehicles on the road has a significant impact on the deterioration of road capacity and drivers' frustration with parking, especially during rush hours in the centres of large cities. Hence, urban logistics, including the country's parking policy, is extremely important to a significant proportion of citizens. Unfortunately, citizens have different perspectives on parking issues. Most drivers expect to be able to leave their car as close as possible to their destination, while some residents, especially non-motorised ones, are against the conversion of free city space into car parks. In response to the presented issues, a comparative analysis of selected types of car parks was carried out. This analysis was one of the stages of the project entitled: "Analysis of the environmental impact of a vertical parking solution using life cycle assessment at the design stage" carried out at the Silesian University of Technology. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Silesian University of Technology, Poland
- Silesian University of Technology, Poland
- Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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