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2002 | z. 109 Topoclimatic and geoecological changes in the Wieliczka Foothills in the surroundings of the Dobczyce Reservoir | 111--197
Tytuł artykułu

Influence of the Water Reservoir on the Transformation of the Ecoclimate of the Foothill Oak-Hornbeam Forest Tilio-Carpinetum in Gaik-Brzezowa

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The present-day transformation of the climate of the mountains against the background of their entire environment is still an open question which requires a broad supplementary research. Mountains represent areas of particularly rich variability climatic phenomena and, because of that, are treated as a so-called ''margin environment". The majority of the works on human influence on the climate of mountains on various spatial scales deals with the air temperature and precipitation. The changes in climatic conditions that depend on the influence of natural climatic factors such as circulation and radiation which, in turn, affect the water and soil conditions as well as the vegetation, are also characterised. A mesoclimate or topoclimate develop in relation to the physical-geographic conditions of a given region or site, i.e. elevation above sea level, typical landforms, aspect and gradient of die slopes, vegetation and water conditions. The feamres of the annual and diurnal courses of the climatic elements, particularly of the characteristics of thermal conditions, are important attributes of the differentiation of the climatic conditions on various scales. Based on the characteristics mentioned above, the typological units of the climate of different ranks and sizes may be distinguished. The units range from the climatic vertical zones which are typical of the macroclimate to tiny areas of homogenous physical properties of the substratum that are related to the topoclimate. The functioning of the topoclimates is conditioned by a modification of the influence of geographic and circulation factors in the boundary layer (Kożuchowski 1998). Still in the not so distant past, the studies on climatic changes focused on the global and regional scales. At present the emphasis is on the effects of these changes on a broadly understood geographical environment and on human management. (original abstract)
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