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2021 | 6 | nr 2 | 46--59
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The Influence of Human Character Strengths on Life Satisfaction

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As is well known, the characteristics of being human are important to all of us because they signify our basic identity as individuals. It can be asked, however, which of those characteristics are related to our well-being as that is assessed by our life satisfaction. It is the intention of this study to explore the connections among human character strengths and life satisfaction. The human character strengths studied here include curiosity, love of learning, wisdom, having a "big picture perspective," self-awareness, honesty, kindness, social intelligence, intangible values, gift giving, social responsibility, and hope and humor. A total of 498 responses were collected from adult shoppers in Bangkok, Thailand. The results of the multiple regression analysis indicated that among the various human character strengths, as well the demographic characteristics, wisdom, self-awareness, household income, hope, education, social responsibility, and intangible values have positive impacts on life satisfaction The only negative element that was seen to have a negative influence on life satisfaction was curiosity. Further analyses of the significant determinants of life satisfaction for those with varying household incomes and levels of education were carried out and are discussed in this article. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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