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2021 | z. 154 Contemporary Management | 171--189
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Determinants of Eco-innovations - Preliminary Findings From SME Sector in Silesian Voivodeship

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Purpose: The aim of the paper is to identify and assess the various factors - legal, technological or social, that determine the process of eco-innovation development in SMEs sector companies. Design/methodology/approach: The first part of this paper presents literature considerations on eco-innovation and its characteristics as well as types of determinants affecting its implementation. The occurrence and importance of particular determinants for the implementation of eco-innovation was then evaluated as a result of an own survey research carried out in 2020 on a sample of 96 SMEs implementing technologies for environmental protection from the Silesian Voivodeship. Findings: The analysis and the obtained results indicate a significant positive influence of managerial environmental awareness, slightly less significant impact of final consumers and communication style in the company and significant impact of legal regulations, which may be a barrier for eco-innovation implementation. Research limitations/implications: The results provide a basis for activities to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of eco-innovation in enterprises. Limitations of the study include the subjectivity of respondents' opinions and the relatively small research sample, which may limit the generalization of the results. Practical implications: The results provide a basis for activities to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of eco-innovation in enterprises. Limitations of the study include the subjectivity of respondents' opinions and the relatively small research sample, which may limit the generalization of the results. Originality/value: The contribution of the research to the development of management sciences mainly includes the formulation and empirical verification of a set of key factors determining the process of eco-innovation implementation in SMEs in post-industrial region.(original abstract)
  • Central Mining Institute
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