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2021 | nr 1 (ang) Social Economy and Co-Production of Public Policy | 2--10
Tytuł artykułu

The Complexity of Social Economy as a Socio-Economic Phenomenon

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This paper presents the complexity of the contemporary social economy system - its definitions, points of reference, role played in socio-economic development. Furthermore the paper presents a review of selected approaches to social economy, including definitional approaches, e.g. those specific to Anglo-Saxon and continental traditions. It discusses the context in which it emerged and developed as a phenomenon in the public policy and economic areas. It analyses the dynamics of social economy development in Poland, including institutional environment and selected mechanisms of public management. It stresses that top-down initiatives - including those of the central government and the EU institutions - are a key element in making the social economy dynamic in developing the forms of activity (in view of the weakness of endogenous factors). The central and local governments place social economy at the heart of their strategies in many public policies. (original abstract)
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