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2022 | nr 71 | 50
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Are Ideas Really Getting Harder To Find? R&D Capital and the Idea Production Function

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We supplement the 'Idea Production Function' (IPF) with measures of R&D capital. We construct a time series of R&D capital stock in the US (1968-2019), and estimate the IPF allowing for a flexible treatment of unit productivity of R&D capital and R&D labor. We find that the elasticity of substitution between R&D input factors is 0.7-0.8 and significantly below unity. This implies that R&D capital is an essential factor in producing ideas, complementary to R&D labor. We also identify a systematic positive trend in R&D labor productivity at about 1% per year on average and a cyclical trend in R&D capital productivity. Our results can be used to revisit the ongoing discussion on whether ideas are getting harder to find, and to assess recent developments in total factor productivity growth. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, USA
  • SGH Warsaw School of Economics
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