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2003 | Vol. 4 | 211--220
Tytuł artykułu

The Legal Position of Monocratic Territorial Local Government Organs

Warianty tytułu
Języki publikacji
Ali the laws defining the territorial system of local government [Dziennik Ustaw, 2001, 2001a, 2001b, 2001c] distinguish two basie local government organs: legislative organs, which include municipal councils (rada gminy), district councils (rada powiatu) and voivodship (provincional) parliaments (sejmik wojewódzki), and executive organs, the role of which are fulfilled by appropriate boards. Besides these organs, the laws mentioned above do not define any other organs of self-government apart from auxiliary organs such as, for instance, suburb (town) councils, suburb (town) boards, estate councils, etc. The common and characteristic feature of these organs is their collegial character. Therefore, the decisions they make must take into account the necessity of a quorum and must be accepted by a majority of votes as prescribed by the appropriate regulations. Besides these collegial organs, in particular self-government units there are also some monocratic organs, such as village officers (wójtowie), mayors (burmistrzowie), city presidents (prezydenci miast), district aldermen (starostowie powiatowi) and marshals (marszałkowie). As I have mentioned above, the legał system does not consider them to be organs of particular self-governments in a direct way. On the other hand, there are no regulations which would explicitly negate the role of these subjects as self-government organs. It should be stressed, however, that legislature is not elear in this respect sińce both the Municipal Self-Government Law (MSGL) and the District Self-Government Law (DSGL) cali them "a municipal organ" and "a district organ" respectively.(fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
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