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2003 | nr 2(144) | 79--97
Tytuł artykułu

Studia trzech karier równoległych z wykorzystaniem modelu ryzyk konkurencyjnych

Warianty tytułu
Studies on three parallel careers based on the competing risks model
Języki publikacji
W ostatnich latach w badaniach demograficznych obserwuje się szereg zmian w podejściach do badania podstawowych procesów i zjawisk. Istotą tych zmian jest wzrost popularności ujmowania procesów demograficznych na poziomie mikro, czyli na poziomie jednostek (por. Courgeau, Lelievre, 1997; Jóźwiak, 1999; Willekens, 1999). Rozwój badań w skali mikro jest, między innymi, rezultatem postępu wiedzy w zakresie zachowań demograficznych, doskonalenia źródeł danych i metod badania oraz będącymi do dyspozycji pakietami statystycznymi. W tradycyjnym ujęciu zjawiska demograficzne, takie jak płodność, umieralność czy migracje, traktowane były jako niezależne zjawiska lub procesy i analizowane w homogenicznych subpopulacjach w oderwaniu od pozostałych aspektów życia jednostki. Uchylenie tego krępującego założenia jest w znacznym zakresie możliwe w ramach metodyki właściwej analizie wielostanowej, w której badane są przejścia pomiędzy różnymi zdarzeniami stanowiącymi stany określonego procesu demograficznego. Dalszym postępem jest rozpatrywanie rozważanych procesów jako składowych tworzących biografię jednostki (abstrakt oryginalny)
In studies on parallel careers in demography, understood as careers (fam-ily, occupational and migratory) realized at that same time and influencing each other, the most important issues are: how these careers are determined by different factors - economic, sociological, psychological, and how these careers influence each other, i.e. if there is any relationship between them, both in short and long time. The main subject of the article is a study on family, occupational and migratory careers of Polish women on data coming from two retrospective surveys conducted in Poland in 1988 and 1991 (FFS). It covers cohorts of women born between 1900 and 1976. Events selected for 96 the analyses occurred in years before the economic transition, namely 1920- 1991. To study these relationships the event history models could be used. For the purpose of this article nonparametric competing risks model has been se-lected. A two-dimensional a competing risks model allows for analyses of relationships between each combination of two out of three careers under study: family and occupational, family and migratory, migratory and occupational. Two-dimensional competing risks models are quite popular in literature. Additionally, a three-dimensional competing risks model has been formulated in the article to study all three careersat at the same time. Results of the three-dimensional competing risks model confirmed those obtained for the two-dimensional models. In case of first births (family career) the intensity of the event as first order event is highest in the second year of marriage. The intensity of first migration as the first order event (migratory career) is highest after the marriage, which may be explained by joining spouse living in different place of residence. In the case of migration as the second order event the highest intensity is observed in the second year of marriage, that may be explained by a need of better housing after the first child was born. In case of first change of job after the marriage the intensities of this event as the first or second order event are very low. The highest intensities for change of the job were observed as third order event after a child is born and after migration. Although analyses, results of which were presented in this article, were restricted to the period before the economic transition, methods applied are universal. (original abstract)
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