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2022 | 8 | nr 1 | 77--94
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Virtual Management during the Covid-19 Era : Changes in Leadership and Management

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Objective: The objective of the article is to understand the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the management style and the relationship between managers and subordinates.
Research Design & Methods: We used a mixed-method combining a qualitative part based on 20 semi-structured interviews as well as a quantitative part based on a questionnaire intended to confirm the observed trends more precisely. All data were analyzed using the grounded theory method.
Findings: The analysis of the data shows an irreversible evolution towards a more frequent use of home-office. This situation, welcomed very positively by the leaders, requires however to review the way of operating of the managers as well as the interaction between managers and their subordinates.
Implications & Recommendations: We are entering a new phase of management, during which managers will have to create a closer relationship with subordinates, concretely entering the role of manager coach.
Contribution & Value Added: This research provides access to the vision that top managers have of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis. Despite many problems, they retain the interest of having accelerated the transition to home-office and remote management while beginning to question the concrete implications of this situation. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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