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While energy consumption per capita is an indicator of standard of living and development, its increasingly important role is to enable improvement in lifestyle and welfare, social security, and other aspects that all contribute to energy sustainability. The increasing demand on energy parallel to eco-nomic growth brought about a worldwide crises affecting climate change and environmental destruction. The issues have been given unprecedented attention as demanding urgent and radical action. According to the objec-tives set in the European Green Deal by 2050 the EU intends to become climate-neutral and benefit from sustainable transition. While there are a lot of barriers to be overcome on the way towards green transition, intensified, consistent strategy has been found effective. Statis-tics show increasing share of renewable resources in energy production. The transition has to be supported by research and development to provide for improved efficiency, limited side effects, solutions to store and transfer energy. New approach and novel technologies may contribute to reducing emissions and accelerate the transition. The use of renewable energy has many potential benefits, including a re-duction in greenhouse gas emissions, diversification of energy supplies leading to energy security, creation of jobs in new "green" technologies. While in the developing world access to energy is an issue to be addressed, for countries with higher level of economic and social development the focus is also on intangible aspects, such as well-being, happiness, security, comfort, satisfaction and health. Such aspects are derivative to and interre-lated with energy access, consumption and security and may lead to meet-ing Sustainable Development Goals.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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