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This Subchapter starts with defining the main concepts behind the term unemployment, presenting the formula used for calculating the rate of unem-ployment and dissecting the categories that make up the formula, providing detailed explanations on the topics of labor force, participation rate, working age population. It then defines the concept of underemployment, discussing it in greater detail. Next Subsection presents the main types of unemployment, namely: cyclical, frictional, structural and long-term unemployment. Recognizing the different types of unemployment is related to their potential causes and means of addressing them. This is particularly useful to current and future policymakers in designing efficient policies for tackling unem-ployment issues. Throughout the presentation of these topics, visualization is provided in the form of different graphs and tables, in order to present a better platform for grasping the diverse terminology. Following Subsection focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with a specific atten-tion to the indicators that are related to unemployment. The Section goes on to present and discuss a series of such indicators, providing data and dis-cussion for each of the indicators. The discussion concludes with a brief presentation of the topics of youth unemployment and the gender gap in unemployment, issues that have raised lots of attention among labor economists in recent times.
Opis fizyczny
- Vilniaus Kolegija, Vilnius
- Integrated Business Faculty (IBF), Skopje
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