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Exponential pace of changes in the XXI century, in particular affects technology and demands labor force skills are adjusted accordingly. Responding to the changes already happening by adapting to them activates individuals and furthers even more profound changes. Highly skilled employees are demanded by companies to utilize new technologies to develop, advance and compete and to be able to compete internationally and follow the global trends. Changing demands of the labor market result from disappearing jobs and surplus skills while other skills useful for new emerging jobs are scarce. Under such conditions employment demands openness and readiness to acquire and polish new skills. Upgraded skills are necessary not only to actively participate in the job market but also to be independent and efficient in daily activities, IT literacy skills are increasingly needed in everyday life to guarantee autonomy, efficiency and inclusion. Thus, individuals have been increasingly affected by demands of the information age. The increasing level of educational attainment of the population in OECD countries is both the cause and consequence of the changes (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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