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The most commonly generated waste types and the characteristics of different waste streams are described within this Subchapter. The waste management practices implemented at a global level are described as well. The main focus of the Subchapter is primarily on reviewing some of the approaches used for optimizing the waste management systems. The data are based on a literature review of relevant research studies and publications reported in the last decade. Three different decision support frame-works: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) are analyzed with regard to their basic models and modifications. The outputs from the LCA modelling are consistent and policy-relevant but as a result of the simplification of the model compared to real waste management problems and the subjectivity and arbitrariness of some of the assumptions introduced in the LCA model, it is difficult to generalize the conclusions from case studies to policies. The CBA of waste management systems is usually studied on a case-by-case basis as the environmental benefits and costs are closely related with the project scope. One of the main disadvantages of the CBA for waste management is the difficulty to express in monetary terms the environmental impact of a MSW plant because of the complexity of analyzed ecosystems. WAMED, the latest modification of the CBA model, overcomes CBA limitations and enables waste managers to conduct a comparative analysis of estimated, actual and prevented financial damages during the implementation of a particular waste management scenario. The MCDA framework links technological performance information with decision criteria and allows visualization and quantification of the trade-offs involved in the decision-making process. The findings imply that there is no dominant municipal solid waste management model and each of the observed models is applicable to particular waste management scenario. However, the LCA models seem to be the best choice when seeking the best sustainable development solutions. In order to have less environmental impact the waste management systems should be analyzed using the integrated approach which involves simultaneous use of more than one model. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Integrated Business Faculty, Skopje, North Macedonia
- Integrated Business Faculty, Skopje, North Macedonia
- Integrated Business Faculty, Skopje, North Macedonia
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