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2022 | z. 157 Contemporary Management | 173--194
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Innovation and Sustainability as a Crucial Trend in Energy Sector Project Management - Literature Review

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Purpose: Project management is a universally recognized methodology for business and project activities. Organisations are increasingly using project activities to achieve strategic benefits. It is purposed to optimize the time, human and financial resources, without deviating from the planned quality of the final product of the project and while maintaining the principles of sustainability. The energy sector is no exception. The purpose of this paper is to determine trends in energy sector project management. Design/methodology/approach: To present the research concerning project management in energy sector innovations the literature review process was carried out. The analysis of keywords, abstract, and on this basis further deeper analysis of scientific texts allowed to identify trends in project management in the energy sector. There is a research gap in research summarizing trends in the description of the issue of project management in the energy sector. Findings: The literature analysis presented indicates that the interest of scientists is largely directed towards sustainable projects in the energy sector. This has to do with global trends not only in the energy sector but in every sector of the economy. Energy project management should continue to focus on becoming more sustainable, especially when more and more organizations are aware that their strategy should include ecological sustainability, such as eco-innovation and environmental innovation. Originality/value: It is one of the few scientific texts that touches on the problem of project management in the energy sector. In terms of implications, studies have shown that particular emphasis should be placed on the aspects of project teams creating sustainable innovations for the sector, as well as neutralizing the carbon footprint of the project teams themselves.(original abstract)
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
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