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2022 | z. 157 Contemporary Management | 397--415
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Customer Engagement Projects Within the Organizational Context: a Case of B2B e-commerce

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Purpose: The article investigates organizational customers response to the marketing stimulation in order to understand the moderating role of economy and emotional motives in business-to-business relationship. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in the form of case studies of experimental marketing projects facilitated in context of wholesale e-commerce B2B platform. Surveys and free text content has been analysed for statistics and conclusions formulation. Findings: The study identifies the influence of different forms of emotional motivation on the engagement of B2B customers and points out the success factors for engagement in B2B. Customers, when stimulated, demonstrate willingness to value creation for themself in form of emotional satisfaction and inside for company. They benchmark sales platform delivering inside from market. Finally, customers share their experience as the boosting factor for others. The study analyses customer engagement from the organizational and individual perspective. Research limitations/implications: The limitations are typical for the experimental projects which entail the uncertainty of the exact results replication. However, the obtained results indicate extension to academic literature as well as the practical suggestion for business. Originality/value: The research contributes to academia in the field of B2B customers behaviour when they are stimulated to creative activity on the e-commerce platform. Paper investigates reactions of individual responders to engagement projects while they are in strong organisational context.(original abstract)
  • Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
  • Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
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