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2022 | z. 157 Contemporary Management | 447--468
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Shelf-life Labelling System in the Opinion of Food Market Participants in Poland

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Purpose: The aim of the study was an assessment of the European shelf-life labelling system from the perspectives of food producers and consumers in Poland in the context of its possible impact on food waste. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to conduct the study among key food market participants. Individual in-depth interviews (IDIs) were conducted among senior managers in 18 key food producing companies, an eye-tracking study (ET) involved 30 purposefully selected consumers, and a quantitative survey using the face-to-face interview was undertaken among food consumers in Poland (n = 1145). Findings: The existing regulations regarding date labelling do not support the policy of establishing sustainable food chains. Even though the date label is one of the most eye-catching elements on the food packaging, a great number of Polish consumers are not able to correctly interpret the information - 39% have problems with proper understanding of 'best before' date. Less educated consumers more often admit that the information on the date label is difficult for them to comprehend. Food business operators have adopted the date labelling system as a mandatory requirement, although they consider it to be complicated. Research limitations/implications: The research results are partially declarative. It would be interesting to examine the interpretation of the date labels in the purchasing and consumption process. Practical implications: Consumer misunderstanding of the 'best before' date contributes to food waste. Point of view of food market participants differ what should be taken into account with regard to the final itineration of the date labelling system. Social implications: Consumer interest in shelf-life dates should be treated as an opportunity in efficient education and building food waste prevention behaviour. Originality/value: Triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods was applied which allowed for a comprehensive assessment the shelf-life labelling system.(original abstract)
  • Poznań University of Economics and Business
  • Poznań University of Economics and Business
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