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2022 | 29 | nr 3 | 107--121
Tytuł artykułu

Special Character of the Polish Counterterrorism Policy as Compared to the European Union

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Języki publikacji
The intensity of the threat of terrorism, previously considered only as a potential event, is now increasing. The greatest consequence of the impact of terrorism as an asymmetric threat is its psychological dimension. Its negative impact manifests itself in the reduction of the sense of security in society, rather than in society's actual deterioration. This often leads to a change in voting preferences in subsequent elections in a given country, and in the long run, can also lead to a reallocation of resources in a given state, changing its development prospects. The article categorizes terrorist phenomenon and their asymmetric threat factors, discussing the special nature of each threat. The authors found that terrorism also factors into the security considerations of a state. In the cases examined, a synergy effect occurs, caused by the many transnational entities responding to the emergence of this threat, numbers which continue to grow. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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