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The aim of the paper is to analyse contemporary trends in distributed manufacturing(DM) research and to present a concept to develop and test some task allocation, planningand scheduling algorithms for DM network organisations. Some concepts are also adopted toidentify key factor criteria and reasoning policies and rules for production/manufacturingdecision support system. A final aim is to draw up a proposal for the development ofa prototype decision support system with the necessary communication and knowledge--oriented modules to be implemented in an example of dynamic, DM and logistics networkstructure, particularly for very popular dynamic cluster forms in Poland. The developedconcept of the organization of a multi-entity DM network will enable business-effective use ofthe system, supporting manufacturing decision-making, consulting and offering informationservices in the control centre (the so-calledCompetence Centre) by constructing virtualreality and access to services in a distributed network of cloud computing type. Integrationof the whole system into one information system will enable further analysis and the networkresource optimization of manufacturing and logistics processes, new analytical functions,reduction of delays in the manufacturing system, management of changes and risks, andvisualization of the current state of the DM system.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
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