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Purpose: Identification of the barriers and determinants of the use of autonomous robots in e-commerce. Design/methodology/approach: The research procedure included a review of Polish and foreign literature and survey research. The paper presents the results of a Delphi study among 25 experts of courier services. Findings: The use of autonomous robots may be one of the solutions that will contribute to the improvement of the functionality of processes in enterprises. The process of implementing autonomous robots is associated with building a relationship based on trust between the user and technology Research limitations/implications: Limitations of the conducted research reflects to only one Delphi round. Practical implications: The results of the study may be helpful for transport companies and courier companies in improving the process of delivering parcels. They can be used for elaboration policy, tools and instrument for the purposes of limitation identified under the study main barriers of the application of autonomous robots in the e-commerce. Originality/value: The presented research and conclusions provide practical tips for transport and delivery companies on how to use autonomous robots to improve the process of delivering parcels in the e-commerce sector, based on the results obtained from the Delphi study.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Bialystok University of Technology
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