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Objective: The first objective of the article is to assess the benchmarks for the current ratio commonly provided in the accounting and financial analysis literature. The minor objective is to arrange a research methodology permitting the accomplishment of the first objective.
Research Design & Methods: The paper, apart from the literature review and its critique, presents the results of descriptive, quantitative research. The research sample consists of 5 148 firm-years. Data were retrieved from Worldscope Database via Refinitiv Eikon for domestic, going concern, non-financial companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from 2005 to 2021. For comparison, the U.S.-related data was retrieved from Internet resources as ready-made ratios. Methods used in the analysis include descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric ANOVA, confidence intervals, and linear and parabolic trend analysis.
Findings: The tests show that identifying a benchmark for the current ratio is problematic. Benchmarks vary between countries and industries; universal standards do not exist. The benchmark for the current ratio commonly suggested, 1.2-2.0, may be used only as a rough evaluation of the desired value. The findings indicate that the acceptable range for CR is much broader, from 1.1 (the first quartile) to 2.3 (the third quartile) for the total sample. Moreover, the SIC division's quartiles vary from 0.7 to 1.2 (the first) and from 1.6 to 3.6 (the third). Statistical tests indicate that benchmarks do not vary annually. However, the distribution's median and the third quartile change slowly over time toward higher values. The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a substantial increase. On the contrary, the first quartile of about 1 remains relatively stable over time, indicating the reasonable lower bound for CR. The mean of the distribution is useless as a benchmark because of its sensitivity to outliers. Various techniques must be used to assess the benchmark.
Implications & Recommendations: Since there are material between-industry and between-country differences in benchmarks, analysts and investors should be very sensitive to the standards suggested in the literature and interpret them cautiously. Variability over time exists but is low unless a shock in the economy appears.
Contribution & Value Added: The main contribution of the paper is empirical verification of the benchmarks for the current ratio provided in the literature. Tests show that suggested benchmarks are not universal. Seeking a benchmark, an analyst must compare the firm's financial standing with other firms from the same country, industry, and period. (original abstract)
Research Design & Methods: The paper, apart from the literature review and its critique, presents the results of descriptive, quantitative research. The research sample consists of 5 148 firm-years. Data were retrieved from Worldscope Database via Refinitiv Eikon for domestic, going concern, non-financial companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from 2005 to 2021. For comparison, the U.S.-related data was retrieved from Internet resources as ready-made ratios. Methods used in the analysis include descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric ANOVA, confidence intervals, and linear and parabolic trend analysis.
Findings: The tests show that identifying a benchmark for the current ratio is problematic. Benchmarks vary between countries and industries; universal standards do not exist. The benchmark for the current ratio commonly suggested, 1.2-2.0, may be used only as a rough evaluation of the desired value. The findings indicate that the acceptable range for CR is much broader, from 1.1 (the first quartile) to 2.3 (the third quartile) for the total sample. Moreover, the SIC division's quartiles vary from 0.7 to 1.2 (the first) and from 1.6 to 3.6 (the third). Statistical tests indicate that benchmarks do not vary annually. However, the distribution's median and the third quartile change slowly over time toward higher values. The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a substantial increase. On the contrary, the first quartile of about 1 remains relatively stable over time, indicating the reasonable lower bound for CR. The mean of the distribution is useless as a benchmark because of its sensitivity to outliers. Various techniques must be used to assess the benchmark.
Implications & Recommendations: Since there are material between-industry and between-country differences in benchmarks, analysts and investors should be very sensitive to the standards suggested in the literature and interpret them cautiously. Variability over time exists but is low unless a shock in the economy appears.
Contribution & Value Added: The main contribution of the paper is empirical verification of the benchmarks for the current ratio provided in the literature. Tests show that suggested benchmarks are not universal. Seeking a benchmark, an analyst must compare the firm's financial standing with other firms from the same country, industry, and period. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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