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2022 | 15 | nr 4 | 63--79
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How Sustainable Human Resource Management Affects Work Engagement and Perceived Employability

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There are only a few fragmented studies available on the relationship between engagement, employability and sustainable HRM practices. This research gap justifies the investigation of a relationship between these constructs. The research findings presented in this article, to the authors' knowledge, are the first to simultaneously address Sustainable Human Resource Management, Work Engagement and Perceived Employability. The aim of this research is to identify the impact of Sustainable HRM on Work Engagement and Perceived Employability. A quantitative study was conducted among employees to test the model of the relationship between mentioned above variables. The purposive-quota sampling was chosen to survey representatives of organisations with a minimum of 10 employees. The survey was conducted on a survey panel accredited by PKJPA and ESOMAR using the CAWI platform. The results confirm a strong correlation between Sustainable HRM and Work Engagement, as well as a moderate influence of Sustainable HRM on Perceived Employability. Further research would need to delve deeper into the impact of specific Sustainable HRM practices on Work Engagement and Perceived Employability. It would be worth extending the research to include other types of commitment like organisational attachment, and to include determinants in the analysis of Perceived Employability. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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