Warianty tytułu
Organisation of the Innovative Labour and the Innovation Process at the Modern European Enterprise
Języki publikacji
The innovative work of managerial specialists includes the organisation of the labour resilience of workers. The aim of this article is theoretical substantiation of the approach to the organisation of the innovative labour and innovation process at the modern European enterprise. Methods used in this research: morphological analysis, comparative analysis of literature sources, logical generalisation, analysis and synthesis. New interpretation of the essence of the category "organisation of the innovative labour of managerial specialists" is proposed in this article. The classification of stages and steps of the innovative labour and innovation process has been improved in presented research. The approach to the organisation of the innovative labour and innovation process at the enterprise in modern conditions has been substantiated, in particular, the content of individual stages of the innovation process. The sequence of choosing a model for organising the innovation process is determined. It has been substantiated that under the influence of high uncertainty of the environment, it is necessary to use linear form and linear feedback form of the organisation of the innovation process.(original abstract)
- Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
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