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2022 | 18 | nr 4 | 451--469
Tytuł artykułu

Determining the Logistics Market Performance of Developing Countries by Entropy and MABAC Methods

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Relevance of the study: As the experience of advanced countries shows, the development of the economy in our country, in particular, in the transportation services market, is associated with the development of interaction between all types of transport. Thus, in modern conditions, for the growth of the role of railway transport, multimodal transportation, which is important for the interaction of Ukraine with the countries of Europe and the East, is becoming important and will also help minimize costs and preserve the environment. Therefore, the issues of evaluating the introduction of multimodal transportation with logistic principles are discussed in the article. It is shown how to determine the marginal substitution rate in the conveyance type while using various modes of transport, based on the utility function and transportation costs. Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to develop measures to improve the functioning of parts in multimodal freight delivery routes by minimizing transportation costs, taking into account quality indicators. For this purpose, the following tasks have been set and are being solved: to develop a model for evaluating the efficiency of using different modes of transport with optimal costs; to choose a method for estimating the optimal delivery route and freight volumes; to evaluate the efficiency of transportation technology based on a qualimetric indicator. Approaches: An approach to a comprehensive evaluation of the effect from the activities of transport enterprises in multimodal transportation based on cost optimization, with the qualimetric indicator, and aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of shippers' requirements is offered when determining the route of such transportation parameters as the cost and the quality of freight delivery. Results: The results of the theoretical generalization and analysis of approaches to the formalization of the functioning process in multimodal transportation systems for the delivery of goods by rail and road modes of transport are presented in the article. The significance of the results. The materials in the article are of practical value for employees of transport and logistics companies and enterprises, scientists, and pedagogical workers to improve their professional level.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ukraine
  • Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ukraine
  • Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ukraine
  • Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ukraine
  • National Transport University, Ukraine
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