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Logistics in The Cities' Development Strategies
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Changing conditions under which cities operate cause that logistics plays an increasingly important role in their development strategies. Increased passenger and freight traffic on the roads is causing growing problems related to environmental pollution, congestion or traffic accidents. Addressing these issues requires the development and effective implementation of the logistics strategy of the city by the city authorities with the participation of different groups of stakeholders. Logistics strategy issues of existing theoretical acquis are taken on in an occasional and fragmented way. The multi-dimensional and complex nature of the urban logistics requires a comprehensive approach. Thus, there are many premises that lead to undertaking research in the area of the city's logistics strategy. Among them there are: zz a literature gap in terms of the formulation and implementation of the city's logistics strategy (in the holistic approach that covers both cargo and people flows and information associated with them), zz the need to organize the knowledge and the terminology of city logistics and the city's logistics strategy, zz an empirical gap in terms of the formulation and implementation of cities' logistics strategies (the studies on such a wide scale conducted by the author in this paper, including the holistic approach to city logistics, are the first of this kind of research in European cities), zz the conviction on the need to adapt the existing methods and tools from enterprises to cities and the use of new solutions in the field of formulation and implementation of logistics strategies, zz the need to make changes in the strategies of urban development in the area of city logistics in connection with the requirements required by the European Commission. Those specified premises motivated the author to conduct studies and formulate research objectives. The main objective of the research is a conceptualization of a reference model of the design, implementation and control of the logistics strategy including a holistic approach to long-term solutions for the flow of people, cargo and information associated with them, along with a set of procedures and tools for its implementation. In the work the concepts related to the city logistics are ordered, as well as their classification is proposed in terms of three approaches: from the perspective of private enterprises, from the perspective of local governments and the holistic one combining these first two. Urban logistics was embedded in the discipline of management sciences and referred to the level of strategic management and public management. The author developed an original definition of a city logistics strategy. A classification of logistics strategy on the basis of the literature was also proposed. Thus, knowledge about the city's logistics strategy and its relationship with the city's development strategy was enriched. On the basis of the critical analysis of literature and own research with the use of Delphi method, the author proposed original methods and tools supporting the formulation and implementation of the city's logistics strategy at the stages of: strategic analysis, strategy formulation, its implementation, control and controlling. At the stage of strategic analysis, next to standard methods, the author developed two complementary methods belonging to the school resources and competences: the analysis of city's potential in terms of the possibility of formulation and the implementation of logistics strategy as well as the model of the maturity of a city in terms of the formulation and the implementation of logistics strategy. A key achievement resulting from the main purpose of the work, and which is the result of the adopted theoretical considerations and studies, is the conceptualisation of a reference model regarding the formulation, implementation and monitoring of strategies, the logistics of taking into account the holistic approach to long-term solutions for the flow of people, cargo and information associated with them, along with a set of procedures and tools enabling its implementation. It is both the result of literature studies and research carried out among the analysed cities, including the analysis of existing procedures for the formulation, implementation and monitoring of logistics strategy in Warsaw, Stockholm and Vienna, as well as the result of methods and tools (e.g. methods to study the potential of the city, the maturity model of the city in terms of formulation and implementation of logistics strategy) developed by the author. The model has been complemented by a procedure involving a description of different stages, along with the information about the desired results, stakeholders who should be involved in its implementation, and the methods that could be applied at particular stages. The work consists of five chapters, including three theoretical and two empirical, as well as an introduction and conclusion. In chapter one the author presented the approaches to defining city logistics existing in the literature of the subject as well as proposed an original definition of urban logistics and indicated its place in particular scientific disciplines. This chapter presents various groups of stakeholders, emphasizing an important role of local government among them. It also describes the role of urban logistics in Management Sciences. The second chapter discusses the importance of logistics in the strategy of the development of the city. The starting point is a reflection on the essence of the strategy for the development of the city and of the impact of different schools on ways of developing and implementing the strategy. This chapter also describes factors affecting the making of logistic strategic decisions, and proposes an original definition of the city's logistics strategy and its classifications. The third chapter presents the assumptions for the analysis, formulation and implementation of a logistics strategy. This chapter shows commonly used methods and tools from the area of the formulation and implementation of the strategy. The author supplemented this thread with a proposal of her own methods and tools. Chapter four is of empirical nature. It contains the analysis of the potentials of individual cities affecting the formulation and execution of logistics strategy carried out pursuant to secondary data from the Eurostat database. The analysis was made using multiple criteria decision making method (MCDM) - Promethee-Gaia. It also presents the levels of maturity of the cities in terms of formulating and implementing logistics strategy on the basis of the results of the studies conducted among selected EU capitals and secondary data. In the last chapter, three cities are identified for further, indepth analyses of the cohesion of strategic objectives in urban logistics with the objectives of the strategic documents at the level of the city. The place of logistics in the organizational structures of these cities is shown. This chapter proposes an original model to analyze, formulate, implement and control the logistics strategy, together with the procedure and tools for its application. The considerations presented in this paper in the realm of the theory and practice may contribute to the development of knowledge in the area of basic research in the field of management science, in particular in the field of urban logistics, logistics strategy of the city and public management. The results of the research supplement the existing knowledge of the substance of the logistics in urban development strategies. They can provide valuable information for the European Commission, especially for the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. Moreover, the developed models, procedures and tools can be used by local governments when formulating and implementing a logistics strategy. Therefore, it can be claimed that the book has theoretical, evaluative and applicatory characteristics.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
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