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Purpose. The aim of this article is to identify areas of uncertainty that may affect sustainable management in the cruise shipping market in Northern Europe and define the directions of sustainable management undertaken by the entities participating in this market.
Design/methodology/approach. Several research methods were used in the work, i.e., analysis of existing materials, desk research, exploratory method, and case studies. Comparative analysis and critical analysis were also carried out. A few research questions were also developed and are described in the methodology section.
Findings. The statements showed that cruise shipping companies have been strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war with Russia, which also to some extent forced them to revise their priorities within sustainable management. Practical implications. Examples of good practice on sustainable management may be an interesting cognitive source of knowledge, both for the representatives of seaports in coastal destinations, as well as for cruise shipping companies. Social implications. The cruise shipowners' awareness of the negative impact of cruise shipping development upon the quality of local communities' life in coastal destinations is considered to be a key aspect of sustainable management.
Originality/value. The review of literature revealed a lack of publications regarding the issue of sustainable management in the cruise shipping market, particularly with a view to changing the approach to sustainable management in the context of the events faced by cruise lines and seaports around the world in recent years. (original abstract)
Design/methodology/approach. Several research methods were used in the work, i.e., analysis of existing materials, desk research, exploratory method, and case studies. Comparative analysis and critical analysis were also carried out. A few research questions were also developed and are described in the methodology section.
Findings. The statements showed that cruise shipping companies have been strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war with Russia, which also to some extent forced them to revise their priorities within sustainable management. Practical implications. Examples of good practice on sustainable management may be an interesting cognitive source of knowledge, both for the representatives of seaports in coastal destinations, as well as for cruise shipping companies. Social implications. The cruise shipowners' awareness of the negative impact of cruise shipping development upon the quality of local communities' life in coastal destinations is considered to be a key aspect of sustainable management.
Originality/value. The review of literature revealed a lack of publications regarding the issue of sustainable management in the cruise shipping market, particularly with a view to changing the approach to sustainable management in the context of the events faced by cruise lines and seaports around the world in recent years. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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