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Smart Mobility - a Case Study of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area
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The purpose of the article is to deepen the considerations on smart mobility. It is a solution pursued by all cities around the world. The publication presents the current ranking of major cities of the future and is provided with adequate commentary. Attention was also paid to the need for scientific exploration in the context of new emerging challenges surrounding fleet modernization and diversification of environmentally friendly propulsion sources. In the case study section, the author analysed how the local government unit met the qualitative and functional challenge of public transportation for residents. The subject of the study was the capital city of Warsaw. The author presents a brief picture of the city and, according to available data, discusses the possibilities of technological modernisation of the available rolling stock and outlines the changes in the use of conventional fuel and environmentally friendly alternative energy sources. Based on the study, it has been concluded that the direction of development of the capital in the whole area of smart cities, as well as in the sphere of the mobility index, improve the comfort of travel in the agglomeration area. (original abstract)
- Politechnika Warszawska
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