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2022 | z. 160 Modernity of Industry and Sciences = Nowoczesność przemysłu i nauki | 363--382
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Satisfaction and Performance of Generation Z in Virtual and Face-to-face Teams

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Purpose: There are several factors that affect the satisfaction and performance of virtual and face-to-face teams. Literature shows however, that there is a research gap as to the influence regarding the analysis of those factors in regards to different generations. The purpose of the paper is the youngest generation - Gen Z functions in virtual and face-to-face teams and how the type of team influences the performance and satisfaction of team members. Design/methodology/approach: Adopting a generational approach, a research design, including an experiment and a survey, was developed in order to analyze if the type of teamwork affects performance and satisfaction of Generation Z representatives. Findings: Findings suggest that the youngest, tech-savvy generation functions easier and more naturally in virtual teams, showing no significant differences in performance in virtual and face-to-face teams, and even indicate that working in virtual teams is more satisfying than working in traditional teams. Practical implications: The results of the research can provide a basis for managerial decisions when selecting members of real and virtual teams. Originality/value: The paper contributes to the ongoing scientific debate by presenting the perspective of Generation Z on virtual work, which, to a certain extent, contradicts current beliefs about performance and satisfaction in traditional and virtual teams. It shows that the generational approach should be included in team design in order improve team and organizational competitiveness.(original abstract)
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology
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