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Features of the New Ukrainian School: the Application of a Research Approach to the Training of Younger Students
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The article is devoted to the actual problem of developing the cognitive and reading activity of junior pupils. The author's technique of formation the research skills of junior pupils at literary reading lessons is highlighted. The leading conditions for the implementation of the technique are the use of such modes as "immersion" of children into the world of landscape lyrics by means of various kinds of art (literature, painting, photography, music); stimulation of creative self expression and children's reading activity in their study of poetry (group research on creation of a score of expressive reading, linguistic experiment, comparative analysis of one or different authors' works as well as works belonging to different kinds of art); introduction of research training methods : the search for a problem that is going to be investigated on the material of a literary work; formulation of problem solving questions by pupils that will form the basis of the training task (on ascertainment of cause-and-effect relationships; on formation of ability to think critically, defend their personal position; on comparison and confrontation); joint working out an action plan to answer a problematic question; individual search activity; meaningful answer to the problem question). We have come to the conclusion that the proposed method of work on familiarization of junior schoolchildren with literary works on the principles of research approach will help to form students' continuous interest in reading, to activate readership, to prepare for independent, creative acquaintance with new works at literary reading lessons on the basis of formed research skills.(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
- Prykarpatsky Narodowy Universytet imienia Vasyla Stefanyka, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraina
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