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The global climate crisis poses an existential threat to the natural ecosystem and the entire humanity, while new effects (Covid-19, war in Ukraine, etc.) and factors increase the risk to national security and public stability in the EU countries and beyond. The most important global challenge of our time has prompted the formation of climate change management policies around the world; international agreements have been concluded for this purpose. In 2015 the Paris Agreement was signed and the United Nations General Assembly approved the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030. The goal 13 "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects" and tasks for the implementation of this goal were established and approved by the EU legal acts. The European Green Deal was initiated to define the EU's vision of creating a climate-neutral economy by 2050. Those interested in climate change and the green course often raise the question of whether everything possible has been done to prevent (stop) or eliminate climate "erosion" processes. To climate change sceptics, these documents or efforts may seem excessive (and expensive), but it is important to determine whether the full-fledged, comprehensive or targeted communication is available in the EU, whether the dissemination of public information about the processes of the green deal is sufficient and what the management of this information entails. This is because information management is one of the most important components of the successful implementation of the Green Deal. The supreme audit institutions of the EU countries conducted assessment of EU countries in preparation for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The assessment of the public's knowledge and understanding of the EU green deal was performed using a uniform, approved and generally accepted control model. The article aims to analyse the role of information management in implementation of the Green Deal in the EU and the US by distinguishing the 2020-2022 period of global COVID-19 pandemic based on a Lithuanian case study. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Vilnius University, Lithuania
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