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2022 | 52 (2) Pedagogika, zarządzanie i inżyniernia zarządzania wobec wyzwań współczesności : relacje i interdyscyplinarność wyzwaniem współczesności | 19--24
Tytuł artykułu

The Euro-integration Processes of Higher Education system Through the Prisms of Values Survey

Treść / Zawartość
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Êvroìntegracìjnì procesi sistemi viŝoï osvìti krìzʹ prizmucìnnìsnogo oglâdu
Języki publikacji
The article is devoted to the European integration processes of higher education system through the prism of value survey. Nowadays life forms a single European educational space, which is expressed primarily in the unification of educational standards, curricula and specialties in different countries of the world, as the higher education system is constantly influenced by the integration processes taking place in the world community. Internationalization of education is a multifaceted process of planning and implementing the content of education for representatives of different linguistic and cultural environments. The strategy of internationalization of education takes into account many aspects of its implementation. The modern world needs new specialists with international experience, so this strategy helps to prepare competitive specialists who can be called the "product" of this strategy. European integration processes in higher education become important aspects of the teacher's personal and professional development, as they force to analyze and solve life situations not only from the standpoint of one's own culture, but also taking into account the peculiarities of another culture. In the process of international cooperation, scientists have the opportunity to perceive research activity as a promising component of personal and professional self-realization and the desire to carry out scientific research and acquire new professional experience for its practical implementation in the conditions of the European paradigm. (original abstract)
  • Zachodnioukraiński Uniwersytet Narodowy Tarnopol, Ukraina
  • Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Wołodymyra Hnatiuka Tarnopol, Ukraina
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