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1989 | nr 40 | 5--20
Tytuł artykułu

Problem kodyfikacji polskiego prawa finansowego

Warianty tytułu
The Problem of Codification of the Polish Financial Law
Języki publikacji
Zadaniem norm prawa finansowego jest regulacja prawna zjawisk społecznych, politycznych i gospodarczych, wyrażających cele określone przez dyrektywy polityczne i ekonomiczno-finansowe1. Normując zachowania społeczne w zakresie gromadzenia i wydatkowania środków pieniężnych, przepisy prawa finansowego nie realizują celów samoistnych. Normy prawa finansowego mają charakter służebny w stosunku do założeń polityki społeczno-gospodarczej państwa. Ustanawiając nakazy i zakazy oraz zachęty (bodźce) i sankcje finansowe można realizować z dużą skutecznością dowolne zjawiska społeczne i gospodarcze. Stąd też wynika swoiste "zapotrzebowanie" społeczne na normy prawa finansowego w procesie kierowania życiem publicznym przez państwo. Stosowanie metod i instrumentów finansowych w procesie zarządzania, uznawane jest na ogół za dużą zaletę systemu zarządzania2. Często też, chociaż nie zawsze słusznie, stosowanie instrumentów finansowych uznaje się za formę wyższą w stosunku do stosowania tzw. metod i środków administracyjnych. Istota oraz funkcje norm prawa finansowego decydują o znaczeniu tych norm w systemie prawa. Powinno to jednak zobowiązywać do szczególnej troski o kształt i stan prawodawstwa finansowego, a zwłaszcza do tworzenia przepisów prawa finansowego w sposób jasny, zrozumiały, jawny, stabilny, wiarygodny i konsekwentny dla adresatów tych przepisów. Niezbędna jest również troska o utrzymanie przepisów prawa finansowego na odpowiednim poziomie techniczno-legislacyjnym. (fragment tekstu)
The provisions of financial law play an important role in regulation of social, political and economic phenomena. It is self-evident and particularly spectacularat the time of introducing structural and economic reforms. It obliges the legislator to care specially for the shape and state of financial legislation. Formation and keeping a high substantial and legal standard of financial legislation is difficult. It results from several reasons. First of all we should point here to the dependence of the norms of financial law on the assumptions of socio-economic policy of the state. The need of securing a flexibility of the norms of financial law results in their strong dynamics, which affects the stability of the financial law in force. Financial law, as a branch of law, is extensive and its range is not strictly limited. On the other hand, it combines with other branches of law. As a result, legal regulations of financial phenomena exist also outside the area of the norms of financial law. Another difficulty is the fact that within financial law there are several relatively independent sections, which results in creation of separate legal regulations, not always complete, consistent and cohesive, or forming a uniform legal system. Financial law has no normatively regulated general formulation, although it applies specific financial institutions, common to particular sections of financial law. It does not mean, how ever, that those are reasons which prevent from formation of proper financial law. Neither they are (reasons not to overcome. The dependence of the norms of financial law on the as sumptions of socio-economic policy of the state is bilateral. After all, the principles are mostly changed because they are little effective in practice. The lack of effectiveness is then a result of poor financial legislation. Consequently, to overcome the result it is first necessary to eliminate the reason. The Polish financial law is often an object of criticism, both in the doctrine of financial law and in press publications. Attempts are made to improve the financial law. However, they are of limited character, do not reach the point, have no radical character. In consequence the results also are not satisfactory. The author of this paper believes that all known methods of improving the financial legislation, namely in corporation, unification, consolidation and novelization, should be applied parallel. H e also suggests a codification of financial law, referring to such attempts in Rumania and Hungary, and points to its purpose fulness expressed in the "Report on the State of Law", worked out by the Legislative Council in 1980 for the premier. In the author's opinion, the following reasons recommend the purpose and need of codification of financial law in Poland: 1) the need of consolidation of financial principles and institutions formed and proved in socialist financial practice; 2) the need of consolidation of the proper structure of the sources of financial law, established in the period of economic reform; 3) the need of making the financial law more consistent than before, through a stronger normative formulation of the general principles of financial law, joining its particular sections; 4) the need of securing a stronger stability and reliability of financial law; 5) the need of a wider than before popularization of the rules and institutions of financial law in the community. In another paper the author has presented a concrete project of a financial code (The Legislative Problems of the Polish Financial Law and Its Codilication, Wrocław 1983). He has also calculated that such an act could replace about 1.000 legal acts on finances. Beside the financial code, numerous executive regulations of the government and of the minister of finance would be necessary. Supporting his former suggestion, the author thinks that the process of co dification of financial law should be divided in to two stages: first to work out a draft bill on general regulations of financial law, and only next to codify separate sections of financial law. In codification of the general section of financial law it has been suggested to regulate: 1) the principles and functions of public financial activity; 2) the basic financial institutions and the principles of their operation; 3) the system of management in the sphere of finances. The author thinks that the first stage is more difficult than the codification of particular sections of financial law, which in fact are already partly codified. At the same time, however, he thinks that a codification of the general section of financial law is possible, and suggests creation of a codification committee. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Uniwersytet Łódzki
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  • 2. B. Brzeziński, Zasady tworzenia prawa finansowego, "Państwo i Prawo" 1986, nr 5, s. 67-75.
  • 3. N. Gajl, Instrumenty finansowe w zarządzaniu gospodarką narodową, Warszawa 1979, s. 5 i n.
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  • 12. M. Mazurkiewicz, Źródła prawa finansowego, [w:] System instytucji prawno-finansowych PRL. Instytucje ogólne, red. M. Weralski, t. I, Wrocław 1982, s. 91 i n.
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  • 14. H. Rot, Jedność i podziały systemu prawa socjalistycznego, Wrocław 1971, s. 160 i n.
  • 15. J. Świątkiewicz, Informacja o pracach Zespołu Prawa Administracyjnego nad wstępnym projektem ustawy. Przepisy ogólne prawa administracyjnego, wrzesień 1986 (materiał przeznaczony dla członków Rady Legislacyjnej).
  • 16. M. Weralski, Instytucje prawno-finansowe a prawo finansowe, [w:] System instytucji prawno-finansowych PRL, s. 27 i n.
  • 17. S. Wronkowska, Problemy racjonalnego tworzenia prawa, Poznań 1982.
  • 18. J. Wróblewski, Teoria racjonalnego tworzenia prawa, Wrocław 1985.
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