Warianty tytułu
Allocation of Grants for State-Owned Enterprises
Języki publikacji
Trwająca od lat dyskusja nad dotowaniem przedsiębiorstw państwowych dotyczy spraw ważnych nie tylko dla samych przedsiębiorstw państwowych, ale także dla całej gospodarki kraju. W Polsce wielkie znaczenie przedsiębiorstw państwowych dla gospodarki kraju jest wywołane wielkim ich udziałem w wytwarzaniu produktu społecznego i wkładem w powstawanie dochodu narokowego. Dla lat 1982-1985 średnia procentowo wyrażonego wkładu przedsiębiorstw państwowych w powstawanie dochodu narodowego - w wyrażeniu procentowym bardzo statecznego - wynosiła 71,5%. Wartość tego wskaźnika daje wyobrażenie o rozległości zasięgu kotowania produkcji i handlu, tym większej, że dotacje otrzymują nie tylko przedsiębiorstwa państwowe, ale wszystkie przedsiębiorstwa uspołecznione, do których oprócz przedsiębiorstw państwowych są zaliczane spółdzielnie i przedsiębiorstwa organizacji społecznych. Jak poważnym problemem finansowym jest dla organów państwowych dotowanie przedsiębiorstw państwowych, można by ocenić na podstawie łącznej sumy dotacji widzianej na tle całkowitej wielkości wydatków z funduszy, z których organa państwowe czerpią pieniądze na dotacje. Takich danych jednak nie ma w ogólnych rocznikach statystycznych ani w "Roczniku Statystycznym Finansów" 1986. Zamieszczone są w nich jedynie sumaryczne dane o przydzielanych wszystkim przedsiębiorstwom uspołecznionym dotacjach budżetowych, zaliczanych do wydatków bieżących budżetu i sumaryczne dane o wydatkach inwestycyjnych budżetu. Dotacje budżetowe zaliczane do wydatków bieżących budżetu będę dalej nazywała subwencjami. Ta nazwa dobrze zdaje sprawę z zapomogowego charakteru dotacji tej klasy, a dzięki krótkości czyni tekst przejrzystszym. (fragment tekstu)
Allocation of budgetary grants for state-owned enterprises still has devoted followers in Poland, which is best proved by a very extensive system of generous grants. Allocation of grants for state-owned enterprises has also its opponents, and abandonment of allocation was an often repeated postulate in various projects of reform of economic system, discussed during the early 1980s. The fault of grants is that they release the state-owned enterprises from the effects of economic failures, damage due to disaster, and responsibility resulting in low profit or losses. investment grants enable a development of state-owned enterprises, irrespective of their remunerativeness. The extensive system of generous allocations for state-owned enterprises causes that effectiveness of means of production used and their economizing are beyond the interest of state-owned enterprises. The importance of the problem of allocating grants for state-owned enterprises in Poland is emphasized primarily by their financial burden to the budget. in the years 1982-1985 the share of grants for state-owned enterprises in the whole of the budget expenses oscillated about 33 per cent. Such a large share of grants in the budget expenditure requires collecting of proportional budget revenue. in Poland budget revenue derives mainly from state-owned enterprises. in the analysed period of time, the share of the revenue from state-owned enterprises in the whole budget revenue oscillated about 68 per cent. A comparison of the budget revenue from state-owned enterprises with grants for state-owned enterprises shows that grants returned to the enterprises over a half of what they had paid to the budget. The effcctive taxation, i.e. the difference between the tax and grants, was about 43 per cent of the whole tax burden on state-owned enterprises. That shows the budget as an enormous pumping-station of money between state-owned enterprises. Another side of the problem of grants is their financial importance for state-owned enteiprises. To analyse them, they have been divided into subventions and investment grants. The share of investment grants in the whole quota of grants in the years 1982-1985 oscillated about 15 per cent, which means that the main problems of allocation of means concentrate about subventions. An analysis of annual percentage increase of taxation and subsidies for state-owned enterprises reveals that within that period of time, sudden changes of financial policy to enterprises occured, from fiscalism to generous inflation grants and back to fiscalism, and that the cause of those changes were subventions. A puzzling picture of functioning of the state-owned enterprises in Poland emerges, when we look at the taxes and grants, against the background of financial accumulation. lt turns that the budget, burden on state-owned enterprises during the analysed period was greater than the whole financial accumulation; the average ratio was as much as 124 per cent. Enterprises could cope with the burden only due to grants, whose ratio to the financial accumulation oscillated about 70 per cent. As a result, the effective taxation during that period was 54 per cent of financial accumulation, with slight variations about the average. lt seems that grants are simply adjusted to financial accumulation and taxes, so that more or less the same part of accumulation is left in the enterprise. The postulate of elimination of excessive flow of money between state-owned enterprises and the budget is possible to be realised by means of abandonment of allocation of grants and a corresponding reduction of taxes. It would cause no harm to the budget, nor to enterprises collectively, and an advantage would be the elimination of the damaging influence of grants on the effectiveness of means of production used, and on economizing them. However, the postulate does not apply to infrastructure enterprises, which cannot be exposed to risk of bankruptcy, because of their importance for the community. Perhaps they should not function as enterprises, but as institutions of public utility. The examples of most countrles also prove that subsidizing of agriculture cannot be avoided. On the other hand, in relation to the rest of state-owned enteuprises, which form a majority in Poland, it would be reasonable to deprive them of budgetary grants with a respective reduction of taxes. Investment grants should be replaced by a contribution of state capital. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu
- 1. T. Dębowska-Romanowska, Ocena form prawnych dołowania przedsiębiorstw państwowych w świetle ich odpowiedzialności za wyniki finansowe, "Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica", 1989, nr 40.
- 2. N. Gajl, Finanse i prawo finansowe, Warszawa 1980, s. 172-174.
- 3. J. Kaleta, Opodatkowanie przedsiębiorstw gospodarki uspołecznionej, "Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu" 1985, nr 293.
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