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2022 | z. 161 Contemporary Management | 349--364
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Education at Technical Secondary Schools for the Needs of Industry 4.0 in Poland with Particular Consideration of the Śląskie Voivodship

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Purpose: The research presented here was intended to describe to what extent secondary technical education is prepared to educate staff for the needs of Industry 4.0. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted by analysing the education offer of Polish and Silesian technical secondary schools while identifying professions that are important for the development of Industry 4.0 concept in production enterprises. The results obtained on a national scale were compared with those of the Śląskie voivodship. Findings: During the research it was found that the education offer in terms of preparation of future technical staff for the needs of Industry 4.0 is not sufficient and definitely not diversified enough. Among the "professions of the future" the profession of IT technician definitely prevails and its share in the offer is several times higher than that of other professions. Research limitations/implications: The research concerned only the offer of Polish secondary schools and not the actual number of students attending them. It is also difficult to accurately compare the values under study in the rest of the European Union due to the diversity of secondary education systems across countries. Practical implications: The research conducted shows that there is a need for greater promotion among young people of those faculties that are relevant from the perspective of requirements of the Industry 4.0. The promotion should take place both at the level of government and local authorities with active participation of industry representatives. Originality/value: The paper presents an analysis of Polish, and in particular Silesian technical secondary schools from the point of view of the opportunities they offer to graduates of primary schools wishing to gain a profession of a technician useful in their future careers in modern enterprises following the concept of Industry 4.0. The research results can serve as a starting point for analysis of the condition of Polish education in the context of requirements of employers wishing to employ qualified staff useful in modern production facilities in the future.(original abstract)
  • Silesian University of Technology
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