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Introduction/background: This article is based on a bachelor's thesis carried out by Karolina Mainka under the scientific supervision of the author (Administration part-time 1st degree: "Quality of customer service in public administration based on the example of Zespół Opieki Zdrowotnej w Świętochłowicach Sp. z o.o. - Health Care Complex in Świętochłowice Sp. z o.o."). In the past years, there has been a noticeable increase in the importance of the term "quality" in various fields, as well as in the awareness of people in terms of a quality, which results in higher expectations regarding products and services. The notion of quality has accompanied us since ancient times. In everyday life, each person is surrounded by a large amount of products, such as cellphones, computers, clothes and others. Everyone also uses various services, such as hairdressing services, services provided by government offices or medical services. Each type of those services is related to the customer service provided to a greater or lesser degree of quality. The quality of products is somehow measurable, whereas the quality of service is hard to clearly define or measure. Therefore, we can only rely on positive or negative opinions of the customers. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper is to analyse the quality of patient service in chosen district hospital on the basis of four chapters - two of theoretical nature and two practical ones dedicated to methodology of own research and interpretation of obtained results. Materials and methods: Literature analysis, analysis of source materials (internal), survey method - technique: indirect survey, tool: survey questionnaire. Results and conclusions: Considerations presented in the paper show the importance of the customer service quality. The main task of the hospitals is to provide a high quality service in the field of a health care. The basis for the improvement of health services is the results of the evaluation of the quality of services provided by the hospital. One of the elements of assessing the quality of healthcare is patient satisfaction. An important factor which influences the success of a health care facility management is the level of patient satisfaction. Customer satisfaction studies give the facility the opportunity to evaluate patients' opinions on offered services, and consecutively - bring the prospects of defining the weaknesses in the hospital covered by the study. Regular evaluation of customer satisfaction translates into an increase in the quality of provided medical services. An increase of the standards impacts the mental well-being of the patients. Understanding patients' expectations and meeting their requirements reflects in the quality of provided services. Patient satisfaction with provided services has a strong influence on repeat use of the health facility, as well as on recommending it to another person. Interest and care provided by the personnel influences mental condition of the patients. Good mental condition during a hospital stay results in faster recuperation. In evaluation of the hospital, each element is important. The quality does not only consists of the attitude of the staff, but also of the entire environment of the hospital, including adaptation of the building, proper signage, and maintenance of cleanliness. All these components form one whole, which is perceived and evaluated by the patient.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Politechnika Śląska
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