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2021 | nr 4 (56) | 117--129
Tytuł artykułu

Formation of Health-Oriented Management Skills of Future Managers in Ukraine

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Introduction/background: Nowadays realities of social life create the need for unified, fundamental mechanisms of forming the motivation of future managers for their comprehensive understanding of not only the economic processes, but also the peculiarities of human life. That's why the particular importance becomes to improving the professional training of future managers in the context of forming their health-oriented management skills. Aim of the paper: To substantiate the neediness and features of formation the health-oriented management skills of students-future managers in Ukraine. Materials and methods: The research was conducted during 2020-2021. The study involved 345 persons from Lviv region (Ukraine): 320 persons aged from 25 to 55 years, who work in the organizations and 25 students of the third and fourth years of study, which are trained in the specialty "Management"). The following research methods were applied: theoretical analysis and synthesis of professional scientific literature, analysis of Internet resources, pedagogical observation, surveys (questionnaires). Results and conclusions: The research data indicate the neediness to change not only the structure, content, forms, and methods of the system of professional training of future managers for the formation of their competence in health-oriented management issues, but also to search the new, non-standard motivational factors. The educational system of training of future managers, which includes the mechanisms of formation their readiness for health- oriented management, should be specially structured and include certain motivational parts, components and indicators. Management which is based on a human-centred approach, focused on the fact that the highest value of the organization is not just human resources, but the health of each individual employee, we define as health-oriented management. Using of substantive theories of motivation for the training system in health-oriented management for the future management is a necessary condition for their successful future professional activity.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Silesian University of Technology
  • Silesian University of Technology
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