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Purpose: The aim of the publication was to present selected sources of information on real estate. Selected planning documents were presented, which are not only necessary when planning new developments in communes, but also help to estimate the value of real estate. Design/methodology/approach: An analysis of the legislation governing the meaning and use of planning documents was carried out. A literature analysis on the subject was also carried out. Findings: The range of data used for the real estate market should include the use of multiple sources of information, both mandatory and optional. Deficiencies in the use of real estate information, or the acquisition of poor quality information, may lead to inappropriate investment decisions by real estate market participants. Therefore, basic sources of information on real estate should be taken into account when making any decisions concerning the broadly understood management of real estate; in the case of investments, planning studies such as the local spatial development plan or the study of the conditions and directions of spatial development of a municipality should be taken into account in particular. Research limitations/implications: Planning documents are extremely important when planning new developments. These documents are not only an excellent source of information on existing land or built-up land, but also help to plan the development of vacant land on the urban fringe, among other things. Practical implications: The analysis of the planning documentation presented helps to understand the relevance of local spatial plans and development studies of municipalities for planned construction projects or land use change. Originality/value: To date, there has been very little analysis of planning documents as an important source of information in property management.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin
- West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin
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Typ dokumentu
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