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2022 | tom 28, nr 3 | 37--55
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Pro-Environmental or Pro-Social: Which Motivation is Stronger in the Case of Charity Retailing Engagement?

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The aim of the study is to examine the intention to engage in charity retailing using the norm activtion model which has been widely used to predict people's altruistic and pro-social behavior (De Groot and Steg, 2009, 425-449). Pro-social behavior refers to aperson's action that is intended to help other people and consists of abroad range of helping, sharing, and cooperating behaviors. Three forms of engagement in charity retailing were taken into account: buying at acharity shop, volunteering in acharity store, and donating. The current study was conducted in 2019 using the CAWI method on 766 Polish students coming from 16 universities; for data analysis, SEM was ap-plied. We tested two variants of the model. In the first one we connected personal norm, awareness of consequences, and ascription of responsibility with the context of the natural environment protec-tion, whereas in the second the same variables were connected with helping people in general. The findings show that the norm activation model may be applied as amediator model for explaining in-tention to engage in shop charity. Both tested models were positively verified - all relations but one were proven to be statistically significant. The only relation which turned out to be statistically insig-nificant was the relation between awareness of consequences and personal norm. The results show that environmental context increased the strength of the relations between the analyzed variables.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland
  • University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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