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Purpose: The objective of the work is to develop and implement the original concept of Repository of Didactic Processes Data (RDPD) for universities. The task of the Repository is to handle formally organised content in a digital form, covering resources created in connection with didactic processes, and the origin of which is a university community. These data should be: as complete as possible, available on the Internet at any time and easy to find and retrieve, stored in commonly used formats, contain a clear indication of the stored resources, without any costs for the user downloading them. Design/methodology/approach: The concept of the Repository was developed on the basis of the results of consultations with the academic community - its primary target audience. Comments from the representatives of the Repository future main users were taken into account. An analysis of the existing available repository systems in terms of their functionality, adaptability to the specificity of data, and popularity was carried out in order to select the solution that could be the foundation for RDPD. Then, the following tasks were undertaken in the environment of the selected system: adapting the data schema developed for RDPD, the implementation of the operations of loading, browsing, and searching of data, and user management. Findings: As a result of research and analyses, DSpace was proposed as the basis for the RDPD system. The logical metadata layers as well as the technical implementation of the proposed Repository in the DSpace system were elaborated. Practical implications: The implementation of the RDPD system may significantly facilitate and support the university management process. Originality/value: There are many initiatives regarding institutional repositories within the higher education sector. However, there is no institutional repository dedicated strictly to the storage and management of data generated by university educational processes. The developed repository is the solution to the problem.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Kielce University of Technology
- Kielce University of Technology
- Kielce University of Technology
- Kielce University of Technology
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