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2022 | z. 162 Contemporary Management | 721--738
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Network Organizations on the Sports Market - the Case of WTA

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to present an example of a solution applied in economic practice in the field of the structure of the global WTA network organization, with particular emphasis on the relations between its main participants - the organizers of tennis tournaments. Methodology: Considerations in the article, beyond the theoretical part, based on a review of the literature on the subject, were carried out with the use of the descriptive method. For the purposes of the article, available source materials from the resources of the WTA organization were used, as well as the co-author's own observations made during many years of cooperation with this organization. Findings: The study allowed for the identification and relatively rich description of the structure of the WTA as a network organization. It explains how the WTA organization functions on the global tennis market, on which general and theoretical principles it is created, and what benefits it brings to both the WTA and its members. Originality/value: The WTA network presented in the article and the "coalitions" of its members brings forth the diversity of the structures of network organizations. This signifies that a network integrator must skillfully shape and manage relations with emerging subgroups of stakeholders with different priorities, needs and goals.(original abstract)
  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
  • International Tennis Federation
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