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2023 | 16 | nr 1 | 123--137
Tytuł artykułu

Relationship Between Gender Equality, Employees' Perception of Distributive Justice and Wellbeing in EU : The Effect of Gender and Management Position

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We aim to evaluate relationships between gender equality, perceived distributive justice and wellbeing in the European Union (the EU). Further, this study includes an analysis of the moderating effects of gender and management position on the gender equality-distributive justice and distributive justice-wellbeing relationships. European Social Survey (ESS) Round 9 (2018/19) data file edition 3.1 was used for data analysis. Using probability sampling, ESS Round 9 data were collected in 27 European countries through computer-assisted personal (face-to-face) interviewing. The sample of this study consisted of 20 013 respondents (49.3% female) aged 18 and older (mean age - 44.8 years, std. dev. - 12.365) from 23 European Union countries. Results showed that a higher level of gender equality at work was related to higher employees' satisfaction with life. Perceived job opportunities mediated the relationship between gender equality at work and employees' satisfaction with life. Employees' gender and management position moderated the relationship between perceived job opportunities and satisfaction with life. However, neither employees' gender nor management position moderated the relationship between gender equality at work and perceived job opportunities. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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  • Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
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